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insights de pensamento & dados de pesquisa orientados verificados!

Somos profissionais experientes que entendem que os serviços de TI estão mudando e somos verdadeiros parceiros que se preocupam com o seu sucesso. Nossa equipe oferece uma abordagem consultiva sobre tecnologias emergentes.


Anderson José


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Atendimento em todo o mundo, experiência local

Nosso trabalho permite que você tenha e apresente os softwares e materiais informáticos mais recentes do mercado!

Consultoria em TI

Prestamos apoio técnico, manutenção e assistência informática a empresas e temos por objetivo assegurar a continuidade do seu negócio. A Ztech existe para proporcionar aos seus clientes não só a venda, instalação, configuração e integração, mas também todo o suporte da infraestrutrura de IT.

IT Consulting Services

IT management service that manages and oversees the IT infrastructure of organization responsible for network and operations which includes data communication.

Segurança Cibernética

segurança cibernética é a prática de proteger computadores, redes, aplicações de software, sistemas essenciais e dados de possíveis ameaças digitais. As organizações têm a responsabilidade de proteger dados para preservar a confiança do cliente e atender à conformidade regulatória e a Ztech esta pronta para garantir a seguranca de sua empresa.

Software Dev Services

IT management service that manages and oversees the IT infrastructure of organization responsible for network and operations which includes data communication.

Material Informatico

Somos distribuidores de equipamento informático a nível nacional e internacional, dispomos de vários artigos e marcas para apresentar aos nossos clientes um orçamento competitivo para o seu projeto.
Fornecemos computadores pessoais, workstations de alto desempenho, servidores ou soluções para impressão de pequeno e grande formato. 

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Phlox is a trusted advisor and an objective resource for more than 17000 organizations in 90+ countries.


Thinking phlox, verified driven research, and metrics data help you make the right decisions!

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Trusted By The World's Best Organizations

Manages service delivery across various business like, HR, Legal and other IT departments!!

Phlox has been helping organizations throughout the world to manage their it with our unique approach to technology management and consultancy solutions.

As one of the world’s largest ITService Providers, our deep pool of over 130 certified engineers and IT support staff are ready to help.

  • Delivered in more than 450,000 client’s interactions
  • Provided by experts to help challenge critical activities
  • Complemented with peer perspectives and advice
Projects And Software Developed in 2021
Projects And Software Developed in 2021
Satisfied Clients We Have Served Globally
Years Of Experience In The IT & Software Industry

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There are many variations passages Ipsum available, but the majority .

High Technology

There are many variations passages Ipsum available, but the majority .

Easy solutions for all difficult IT problems, keep your business safe & ensure high availability.

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There are many variations passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected or

Karla Lynn

Sholl's Colonial Cafeteria
There are many variations passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected or

Tomas Campbell

Service technician
There are many variations passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected or

Robert Ocampo

Aquatic biologist